Reopening Your Business: Branded Safety Essentials


Custom Wellness and Safety Products For Your Business

Quick Guide To Create Your Own COVID-19 Prevention Program

As businesses and organizations begin to reopen in Raleigh, North Carolina, and the country at large, they must ensure the health and safety of employees, customers, and visitors in a clear  way.

Sunrise Printing has been helping clients in meeting the CDC guidelines for the workplace so they can provide a safe environment as they reopen. Our preferred supplier partners have shifted their production to new product offerings that satisfy the new needs.

Changes in the restrictions and guidelines are likely to occur as we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, and you can count on us to work closely with you to accommodate your requirements. 

Larger organizations will be provided COVID prevention guidelines from top management, while smaller businesses will have to put their own protocols in place based on health guidelines established by the CDC and the local government.

From sanitizers, to PPE products, to signage, you’ll need to acquire supplies you have never needed before and probably never thought you would ever need. 

We at Sunrise Printing have been working closely with our trusted factories to keep on top of the new products, so we can continue to provide the top quality products we are known for.

The following guide can help you determine the products you’ll need for each aspect of compliance, including not only the products, but also help you effectively communicate and promote these new standards and help your employees create new habits. 

1. Social Distancing Guidelines.

The social distancing guidelines set forth by the CDC will remain in place until further notice, requiring at least six feet of space between individuals whenever possible.

This may mean installing physical barriers, such as acrylic dividers, between workstations and in front of customer service desks, changing the layout of your offices, spacing out seating in waiting areas, and staggering break times to avoid gatherings in break rooms.


Free standing posters, chair covers, floor signage strategically placed are very effective in helping build and reinforce the new social distancing habits, while your space looks nice, inviting and professional.

2. Create an employee wellness plan

Many businesses are having their staff work remotely, at least partially. Regardless of what your case might be,  you’ll need to implement a basic wellness program that will include personal protective equipment such as face coverings, temperature checks, and daily checks and symptoms surveys. 

Face Masks

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does require certain industries to use standardized PPE like N95 masks, and you must check with your local authorities requirements. But generally speaking, you may wish to provide branded cloth face coverings, masks and/or gloves for your employees to wear in the workplace.


Having digital thermometers at your workplace will allow for a quick temperature check at a given moment. It is recommended that you designate one specific team member to be in charge of the symptoms surveys and temperature checks.

Hand Sanitizer Station

You will also want to equip your workspace with hand sanitizer dispensers strategically placed, to help employees and the public keep their hands sanitized.

Intensify cleaning and sanitation.

Keeping floors and surfaces disinfected throughout your workspace is a top priority. Depending on your business, you will need to have more thorough and frequent cleanings. 
Here is a resource that you might find useful: 
Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes. 


3. Safety Protocols Communication Plan

Once you have your health and safety protocols in place for your reopening, you’ll need a clear communication strategy to ensure your staff and customers know the new procedures and also understand their own role in the implementation of these new practices. 

Besides informing employees of the new procedures, you’ll want to have quick daily “huddle” meetings to go over the new safety practices and address any issues to help everyone in creating the new habits. These meetings will also help communicate changes as the pandemic situation evolves. You will get more cooperation from your team if you keep open communication. 

You will also need visuals to help communicate and reinforce your health prevention practices message.  Strategically placed posters and banners, door hangers, and seat covers among other marketing aids, will effectively remind employees and the public your COVID prevention measures.

4. Employee Incentives

The pandemic is taking  a toll in many people, and your employees might be dealing with stressful situations at home. 

Putting together care packages for your employees will help you send a message that they are valued. Whether they work from home or will have to come to the office, you can hand out packages containing safety products such as face masks and hand sanitizer bottles, to utilitarian products for them to use at their desks

Need assistance?

We at Sunrise Printing have the experience to help you in the selection of the PPE supplies, signage, and more, so you can successfully prepare and implement your safety protocols and keep your employees engaged and cooperative.
